Help sponsor this family! A wonderful organization called FOVC (find their website here) is doing an amazing work in a remote area of Ethiopia that would not otherwise be getting aid. They NEED SPONSORS for this family! Sponsorship is $35 a month per child. We just took on sponsoring the baby and I am hoping to find help here with my generous readership to help support the other 3!
Unlike most of the big name organizations your sponsorship will go directly to the needy child and not just into overhead or a fund for their village FOVC was started by a family that adopted from Ethiopia and after seeing Ethiopia could not bear the thought of not helping their adopted children's homeland. I LOVE IT!! What an amazing opportunity to help this family and get your family involved as well with letters from your children, and a chance for your children to be involved in making a difference!
You might be wondering who this group is so here is a little info from their website...
FOVC's mission is to educate and support orphans, vulnerable children & widows in Ethiopia, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and hunger as we offer them hope and independence for the future.
In partnership with community groups and foundations, churches, businesses, families and individuals, FOVC's goal is to assure that all orphans and vulnerable children grow up in safe, permanent families, with access to quality education and the help they need to be successful in life. The future of Ethiopia depends on the well being of children today. Our vision is to enable orphans, vulnerable children and widows to overcome poverty and to have the chance to become responsible, productive and happy individuals.
Because FOVC is operated entirely by volunteers in the U.S., you can be confident that nearly 100% of your support goes directly to support FOVC's life-changing work in Ethiopia!
I asked Ingrid who is in charge of sponsorship how it works and here is what she wrote...

You might be wondering who this group is so here is a little info from their website...
FOVC's mission is to educate and support orphans, vulnerable children & widows in Ethiopia, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and hunger as we offer them hope and independence for the future.
In partnership with community groups and foundations, churches, businesses, families and individuals, FOVC's goal is to assure that all orphans and vulnerable children grow up in safe, permanent families, with access to quality education and the help they need to be successful in life. The future of Ethiopia depends on the well being of children today. Our vision is to enable orphans, vulnerable children and widows to overcome poverty and to have the chance to become responsible, productive and happy individuals.
Because FOVC is operated entirely by volunteers in the U.S., you can be confident that nearly 100% of your support goes directly to support FOVC's life-changing work in Ethiopia!
I asked Ingrid who is in charge of sponsorship how it works and here is what she wrote...
There are many ways to support FOVC, see below.
1) Child sponsorship - our program is $35 a month per child. The money goes into a fund that helps provide your matched child with schooling, medical care and food. You are a mentor to that child and have an opportunity to write to them 3x per year. The children are learning English so it is difficult for them to write full letters back but we do have them send artwork and we are hoping in the future to have them work on letters. We have 118 children in the program, 18 were just added a few weeks ago, 15 still need sponsors. As they get sponsored we will be providing them with services.
2) Widow's program - I am so focused on the sponsorship program that I don't know all the details about the widow's program. You can read more on our website and you can see 2 different fundraising efforts by following these links and
Let me know if you want information on a waiting child. Also, please let me know if you have any more questions about FOVC, our background, how we work, etc.
On behalf of 118 precious little children in Ethiopia,
Ingrid Olson
Hope Sponsorship Coordinator, FOVC
Please join me in helping to end hunger for at least one child!