It's on! I am in the throes taking back my basement and craft closet from heaps of unorganized stuff that has claimed residence. In a 1200 square foot house that is home to 6 people (4 of whom are under 7) every inch counts! There are toys, storage totes, art supplies, homeschool materials, craft supplies, not to mention the mountains of unorganized fabric that has been unceremoniously dumped in to totes in a weak effort at organization, all wreaking havoc in my precious basement square footage. Well... NO MORE!
I have plans for that precious real estate! There is a great open area for the kids (unfinished but great in that it exists :) ), a storage area, and a wonderful walk in craft closet. Again I use the word wonderful loosely. Wonderful to me because it is there and I see a great future for it!
So while you may think I am lazily eating bon bons avoiding blogging I am in actuality doing battle with my basement! I have spent hours and hours since Friday attacking the mountains of clutter, folding and refolding yardages of fabric, unboxing and repacking storage items in labeled totes, filling bags of trash, thrift store donations and even food bank boxes of food from the pantry that would be more likely to get used elsewhere. I have taken some before photos. Actually, they are photos taken midway through the demucking process that are horrifying and embarrassing. I DARE NOT POST THEM TILL A BEAUTIFUL "AFTER" PHOTO FOLLOWS!!
However, I thought I would pass on some inspiring photos of basement or craft space make overs that might just help you take the plunge needed to get your overrun space back, and help me in my search for basement greatness!
This amazing basement was designed and created by Candice Olson from HGTV's Divine Design
I have no delusions that my basement will EVER look like this however in case anyone else out there has the money and time necessary to make this happen.. BE INSPIRED!
This beauty is from BEAUTIFUL! I love this color and have it as an accent wall surrounding our fireplace upstairs.
I have kids though so I am looking for a basement that is a homeschool room, supremely organized craft closet, play room and crafty space for sewing and creating all in one! I know that is a tall order, but it could happen!
This beautiful functional homeschool area from The Heartfelt Home (although not a basement) is great inspiration for what I want in a schoolroom area.
Last year for Christmas I talked my husband in to creating this crafty area for the kids on an almost nonexistent budget , but am hoping to add to it and really create a great workable area for homeschooling.
My instructions for how to create this DIY art station are HERE. I am thinking thought that after looking at the above photo of the homeschool space with cupboards above that I would like to add two simple cupboards above each side and a shelf in between them that can be filled with our overload of books and curriculum. I could dream up all kinds of things here but I am working with a realistic very very limited budget. If I want to have any hope of talking the husband into it it has to be limited work and very inexpensive.
Now as far as my crafty sewing area goes I would love something like this... (from Sew Many ways)
or this.. (from one little word)

Reality dictates a slightly smaller and less expensive dream like this sewing armoire from BHG
Love how they utilized the vertical and door space!
I had better call it quits and head to bed since it is almost one in the morning! I need to have the energy to homeschool, be mom to 4 little ones plus the 2 year old we babysit, and find time to get on with the basement project while they nap. Let me know about your homeschool or craft space make over. We would love to see your photos!

I have plans for that precious real estate! There is a great open area for the kids (unfinished but great in that it exists :) ), a storage area, and a wonderful walk in craft closet. Again I use the word wonderful loosely. Wonderful to me because it is there and I see a great future for it!
So while you may think I am lazily eating bon bons avoiding blogging I am in actuality doing battle with my basement! I have spent hours and hours since Friday attacking the mountains of clutter, folding and refolding yardages of fabric, unboxing and repacking storage items in labeled totes, filling bags of trash, thrift store donations and even food bank boxes of food from the pantry that would be more likely to get used elsewhere. I have taken some before photos. Actually, they are photos taken midway through the demucking process that are horrifying and embarrassing. I DARE NOT POST THEM TILL A BEAUTIFUL "AFTER" PHOTO FOLLOWS!!
However, I thought I would pass on some inspiring photos of basement or craft space make overs that might just help you take the plunge needed to get your overrun space back, and help me in my search for basement greatness!

This amazing basement was designed and created by Candice Olson from HGTV's Divine Design
I have no delusions that my basement will EVER look like this however in case anyone else out there has the money and time necessary to make this happen.. BE INSPIRED!

This beauty is from BEAUTIFUL! I love this color and have it as an accent wall surrounding our fireplace upstairs.
I have kids though so I am looking for a basement that is a homeschool room, supremely organized craft closet, play room and crafty space for sewing and creating all in one! I know that is a tall order, but it could happen!

This beautiful functional homeschool area from The Heartfelt Home (although not a basement) is great inspiration for what I want in a schoolroom area.
Last year for Christmas I talked my husband in to creating this crafty area for the kids on an almost nonexistent budget , but am hoping to add to it and really create a great workable area for homeschooling.
My instructions for how to create this DIY art station are HERE. I am thinking thought that after looking at the above photo of the homeschool space with cupboards above that I would like to add two simple cupboards above each side and a shelf in between them that can be filled with our overload of books and curriculum. I could dream up all kinds of things here but I am working with a realistic very very limited budget. If I want to have any hope of talking the husband into it it has to be limited work and very inexpensive.
Now as far as my crafty sewing area goes I would love something like this... (from Sew Many ways)

or this.. (from one little word)
Reality dictates a slightly smaller and less expensive dream like this sewing armoire from BHG

I had better call it quits and head to bed since it is almost one in the morning! I need to have the energy to homeschool, be mom to 4 little ones plus the 2 year old we babysit, and find time to get on with the basement project while they nap. Let me know about your homeschool or craft space make over. We would love to see your photos!

This is great! I just started sorting and trying to tidy my sewing and craft space too. It's definitely nothing like these pictures but it gives me hope of one day, maybe, actually happening. For now, baskets and bins of sort will have to work. Thanks for inspiring.
Thanks for your comment! I have it all cleaned out now. WOW! But I need to do some rearranging etc... So I won't have photos up for a while. I am hoping to create a lot of spaces out of one totally unfinished room on a budget of $0. So we will see what I c an come up with. ;)
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