I don't know about you but we are getting ready for homeschool to start in a few weeks here! Wow it is sneaking up FAST! I have had a pretty good idea about what we wanted to cover and I knew I wanted to switch to the Charlotte Mason method but I didn't have a full schedule pulled together. YEAH!!! I just finished it last night. Some of the things we will be doing are completely new for us as we are switching over to a much more broad, child friendly, character and Bible focused Charlotte Mason style curriculum from last years rigid 6 hour a day online workbook focused drill em and grill em style of homeschool.
Last year did not go as smooth as we had hoped and looking back I can see that my child's interests and learning style were not well suited by the online brick and mortar style we used. Learning style is an important factor to consider when choosing a homeschool plan and laying out the schedule. Another thing I kept in mind was the timing of the classes. For instance we start off with morning basket as it is a nice gentle intro into the morning and includes things the kids like to do. This is also important because we have 4 kids and mornings can be hectic. Morning basket is designed to be enjoyed by everybody even down to the littlest ones. I also scheduled those things that require the most focus next since that is what suites Pierce best. I ended with his favorite class so that he won't be miserably complaining that he wants to be done, and it gives him something to look forward to. One other thing I tried to plan carefully involved getting the core subjects done before noon so that the fun electives would be in the afternoons. I also planned around my little ones nap times so that I could be done and have a break while they nap when we are done with the electives like sign language etc... Moms don't forget how important it is to schedule a break in for yourselves!
Let me first explain a few things... Morning routine before school starts at 7 am and includes, getting dressed, making bed, picking up room, eating breakfast and brushing teeth. When I say "morning basket" I am talking about a basket we will have set out that includes a variety of activities to choose from to get us off to a gentle start. Some of the things in my morning basket include child friendly Bible devotionals, Operation world - a child's prayer guide to different people groups around the world, fun math and writing practice workbooks, stories that I read aloud about missionary exploits and other heroes of world history and the faith. It gives us some wiggle room on what we feel like doing that morning while still covering important subjects.
So in case you need a little inspiration or some new ideas here is my schedule....
8-9 Morning basket.followed by copy work and recitation of memory verse for the week and copy work from "spelling wisdom" or the like.
9-10 Math
10-11 Grammar, literature, writing
11:00-11:30 History
11:30-12 Science
Monday afternoons the littlest kids will nap while the older kids will work on sketches, play learning games or craft while I read aloud.
8-9 Morning basket followed by copy work and recitation of memory verse for the week
9-10 Math
10-11 Grammar, literature and speech , poetry
11-11:30 History
11:30 -12 Science
While the little kids nap the older kids will do sign language with me.
8-9 Morning basket followed by copy work and recitation of memory verse for the week
9-10 Math
10-11 Literature and writing
11-11:30 Science
11:30-12 Keyboard skills
While the little kids nap the older kids will do sign language with me.
8-9 Morning basket followed by copy work and recitation of memory verse for the week
9-10 Math
10-11 History
11-12:30 Picnic, park, nature walk
Thursday afternoon research for writing assignment, reading, or cooking or baking.
8-9 Recitation of memory verse for the week Bible class
9-9:30 Dictation test and vocab test.
9:30- 10:30 Math
10:30 - 11 Map work
11-11:30 Literature
11:30-12 Science
Art appreciation and art application
Hope this is helpful to any of you out there who haven't yet planned out your daily schedule. Good luck in the next school year. Let me know any tips or tricks that help your homeschool go smooth. I would love to hear them!

Last year did not go as smooth as we had hoped and looking back I can see that my child's interests and learning style were not well suited by the online brick and mortar style we used. Learning style is an important factor to consider when choosing a homeschool plan and laying out the schedule. Another thing I kept in mind was the timing of the classes. For instance we start off with morning basket as it is a nice gentle intro into the morning and includes things the kids like to do. This is also important because we have 4 kids and mornings can be hectic. Morning basket is designed to be enjoyed by everybody even down to the littlest ones. I also scheduled those things that require the most focus next since that is what suites Pierce best. I ended with his favorite class so that he won't be miserably complaining that he wants to be done, and it gives him something to look forward to. One other thing I tried to plan carefully involved getting the core subjects done before noon so that the fun electives would be in the afternoons. I also planned around my little ones nap times so that I could be done and have a break while they nap when we are done with the electives like sign language etc... Moms don't forget how important it is to schedule a break in for yourselves!
Let me first explain a few things... Morning routine before school starts at 7 am and includes, getting dressed, making bed, picking up room, eating breakfast and brushing teeth. When I say "morning basket" I am talking about a basket we will have set out that includes a variety of activities to choose from to get us off to a gentle start. Some of the things in my morning basket include child friendly Bible devotionals, Operation world - a child's prayer guide to different people groups around the world, fun math and writing practice workbooks, stories that I read aloud about missionary exploits and other heroes of world history and the faith. It gives us some wiggle room on what we feel like doing that morning while still covering important subjects.
So in case you need a little inspiration or some new ideas here is my schedule....
8-9 Morning basket.followed by copy work and recitation of memory verse for the week and copy work from "spelling wisdom" or the like.
9-10 Math
10-11 Grammar, literature, writing
11:00-11:30 History
11:30-12 Science
Monday afternoons the littlest kids will nap while the older kids will work on sketches, play learning games or craft while I read aloud.
8-9 Morning basket followed by copy work and recitation of memory verse for the week
9-10 Math
10-11 Grammar, literature and speech , poetry
11-11:30 History
11:30 -12 Science
While the little kids nap the older kids will do sign language with me.
8-9 Morning basket followed by copy work and recitation of memory verse for the week
9-10 Math
10-11 Literature and writing
11-11:30 Science
11:30-12 Keyboard skills
While the little kids nap the older kids will do sign language with me.
8-9 Morning basket followed by copy work and recitation of memory verse for the week
9-10 Math
10-11 History
11-12:30 Picnic, park, nature walk
Thursday afternoon research for writing assignment, reading, or cooking or baking.
8-9 Recitation of memory verse for the week Bible class
9-9:30 Dictation test and vocab test.
9:30- 10:30 Math
10:30 - 11 Map work
11-11:30 Literature
11:30-12 Science
Art appreciation and art application
Hope this is helpful to any of you out there who haven't yet planned out your daily schedule. Good luck in the next school year. Let me know any tips or tricks that help your homeschool go smooth. I would love to hear them!

Wow thank you very much! thank you for showing your schedule! I was actually just writing a post about scheduling home school but more of a "ahh i dont know what to do" post lol. This year is my first year and i am home schooling 2 and then there's my 2 year old so i a bit scared but thank you for sharing your schedule, it really helped me see things a little more clear. I am also trying to write a little schedule post so i might just go off of of yours a little. My mother in law did tell me that usually school was done by lunch and I see you did that also pretty much. and love the morning basket idea! I'll have to share my schedule once i complete it!
Absolutely inspiring!
thanks for sharing your schedule! quick question: when do you clean, do laundry, and go grocery shopping???
Thanks ladies! I am so glad you found it useful. Rory Cleaning what is that? Just kidding with 4 kids I have to stay on it little by little all day. I try to do some dishes and kitchen clean up during the morning routine before school. I also sneak away while he does math and reading as well as anything I can do with limited input. I definitively have to sneak the cleaning in breaks. Groceries I do at night when hubby is home and kids in bed. Laundry is a constant. Always loads running and I let everyone help fold and put away...Ok not everyone the 1 year old gets off easy, but the 2 year old has to put hers away with help. I believe in kids helping with all the chores. It is a necessity with a big fam.
Looks like you have a great schedule in place! We also use a curriculum that is based on Charlotte Mason's approach. It's called Heart of Dakota and we love it! Blessings as you being your school year. :)
Thanks girls! I looked at the heart of Dakota curriculum and it looks great. I am going to try to get the books she uses.
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your schedule! I also have 2 boys, 1 7 years old and 1 6 years old and though I have made a sched, it really is a challenge to follow it :-) God bless us on our homeschooling!
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