As I have been getting ready for homeschool this year I found so many creative and fun ideas and I have also found a ton of FREE resources! I will post a full list of links later but this deserves its own post!
One cool idea I want to use is a calendar board. Here is an example from Mama Jenn. The resources like the day of week etc.. and most of the components of the board are available to download and then you just laminate (or just print on cardstock) and punch holes etc. You can find other morning calendar board examples at delightful learning , and 1plus1plus1equals1.
Our focus this year is to have as much emphasis on Godly character and Bible as we do on other subjects so where she uses the prayer above I want to replace it with our character trait and Bible verse of the week. I was so so excited when I found this blog Sarahs sweeties while looking for some character formation/ Biblical resources. She created these AWESOME print outs! There are around 26 or so including, obedience, faithfulness, honesty, etc..
I plan on laminating them all and having them be the center piece for our morning calendar board. Every week we will focus on one trait and learn the corresponding memory verse! When we have done them all we can just start the cycle over again to reinforce those traits and verses. We are doing the Charlotte Mason method so every morning P will copy the verse and practice reciting it. YEAH Sarah!!
Hope this helps you with your character training!

Thanks for linking back! You have a beautiful family! May God bless your new year as you train those little ones.
Thanks sarah! I have you on my bookmark bar! Looking forward to all the cool stuff on your blog!
Thanks for following my blog! I'm following you back. :)
Thank you Kristy. This is very helpful ;-)
I like the calender. I could imagine it could help the child to understand the daily routine. I also like the possibilities to customize. We are learning colors and shapes now for instance. Thank u for sharing, thank u for visiting my blog and the nice comment u left.
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