I love food! Ethnic food, comfort food, vegetarian food, and pretty much any GOOD food. Over the years studying natural health on the way to my Masters I have tried (much the dismay of my carnivore, junk food loving husband) the majority of the current diet trends, and whatever nutritional program I was learning about at the moment I spent 7 years as a strict vegetarian and still eat a mainly vegetarian diet. Tried a glutton free, sugar free diet (hard!), swore off all non "clean eating" foods after watching "Food Inc." (a must watch!)...for a while anyway. Before that I had tried the Atkins diet in the 90's (and promptly GAINED 10 lbs on it!). Years later I did the "South Beach" diet (short lived but better than Atkins), and followed the "AB'S diet" after the birth of my 2nd baby. At some point in there I also got into juicing, and lived in Italy and ate whatever whenever (think nutella, pasta, etc... not a pretty sight). Now years later in my 30's, 4 sweet babies later, Masters degree finally earned I have discovered something...I am not willing to settle for cardboard tasting, boring food.
I want it all! Delicious and healthy. I have also discovered I do not do "plans" or "diets" well. So as the New Year begins and I focus on my health and eating anew I have been on a quest for truly healthy (not just low-cal) DELICIOUS foods. Here are a few recipes I think fit the bill, but don't let me decide for you. I expect to hear how much you love the yum factor coupled with the nutrition aspect!
I want it all! Delicious and healthy. I have also discovered I do not do "plans" or "diets" well. So as the New Year begins and I focus on my health and eating anew I have been on a quest for truly healthy (not just low-cal) DELICIOUS foods. Here are a few recipes I think fit the bill, but don't let me decide for you. I expect to hear how much you love the yum factor coupled with the nutrition aspect!
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Beet juice coconut ice cream from the kitchn How delicious does that look? Amazing food blogger Sarah Kate did the impossible and combined cleanse worthy fresh fruit and veggie juices with a few clever hard working ingredients to create a truly unique rich and creamy dessert that even the strictest diet can't outlaw! Thank you Sarah Kate! Throw a few raspberries in there, and some stevia to sweeten it up if needed and you can rival the real thing...with out all the calories, dairy, and artificial ingredients that is! What more could you ask for? Unless you are looking for an equally satisfying delicious main dish to go with it...and here it is. Italian Falafel or as the inventor calls them "(Not) meatballs" ![]()
One of my all time favorite food blogs Budget Bytes (up there with my other favorite Enlightened Cooking) has come up with a truly inspired chickpea creation called "(not ) Meatballs". I have eaten these 3 times in the last week and I LOVE THEM!! They make a perfect simple lunch. I skip the pasta and marinara and just flatten them a bit so I can cook them in a pan with just a spay of olive oil. YUMMY!! My kids love them too, and even my husband. Don't get me wrong he would still prefer some baby back ribs but he settles happily for whatever I cook since the rib thing is not going to happen here. What a good guy!
I would love to go on a web hunt and share more (there are lots!), but the fact that it is now almost 1 o'clock in the morning and this is the fourth time I have tried to get this posted pushes me toward bed. I had to stay up and get this posted as I just couldn't give up since these recipes were too amazing not to share! I am going to call it a night as I am pretty sure Cruzy my 11/2 year old will be in to wake me pretty soon! Bummer....
Love to hear some of your healthy fun creative recipes. Make sure to share them in the comments.
Thanks guys!
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I don´t comment offten but I have to say I love your blog!
Great recepies! I am just starting to eat healtier and you have been a great help!
Thanks so so much for stopping to comment! You made my day! I have some more good things in store so you will have to check back often. Good luck on your health journey.
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