Free audio download of the Chronicles of Narnia!!

I saw this and had to share it with you all! You can download a free MP3 version of all these stories HERE or listen online from Ancient Faith Radio! I LOVE C.S. Lewis! His books are so full of adventure, character building, insight and wisdom all in a fun package. Hope you enjoy them! I am so looking forward to my oldest son having these to listen to at night! I was planning on reading the books with him, and some nights my eyes are tired and this is a GREAT option!
These stories make wonderful travel entertainment as well!To download into an MP3 format it is not as simple as the subscribe to this podcast Itunes button. That doesn't seem to work, but here are the directions that do work. You need to click on the title ie (Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 1-2 ) Then when it opens right click on the "direct link". It will allow you to save it in downloads as an MP3 file by clicking "save link as". I just rename it with the book name and chapter numbers. Once that is done with all the books you can open Itunes then click on file, then click on add file. Then look under downloads and choose the files you want. Now in Itunes they will show up in the "recently added" folder. Now click on them and drag them to a new folder you rename with the books name. Hope that helps!

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