Had a great weekend away in Santa Fe visiting my sister. My husband watched the kids over the weekend and that was such a blessing! My sister and I had a great time! I could stay up late, sleep in (ok so my eyes popped open at 6 out of habit anticipating little footsteps), go out to eat at a restaurant. It was GREAT! I missed my little tribe though, so it was great to get back to them all. I had some car trouble and was blessed to have a group of bikers, yes 5 bikers to be exact, in full biker get up on their way back from a bike show stop to help. PRAISE God! I made it home 5 hours after I left and had such a grateful attitude when I made it safe and sound! I used the drive time to revisit an old classic on my iphone and listened to Anne of Green Gables the whole way. It was great! I love that series! So wholesome, so sweet and so fun.
As you guys know I have been working through the 40 day Love Dare from the movie Fireproof. Basically if you are not familiar with it it is a 40 day challenge of ways to love your spouse. It is a great way to put their needs first and see God move in your marriage. My past three days have gone well. It is not all easy but worth it and a great exercise in self discipline for me. Today's dare is about THOUGHTFULNESS. Not just doing avoiding the negative things we do but thinking ahead to be a blessing. A great challenge.
Find the whole text and day 4 dare HERE for free on KLOVE I hope you join in on the dare and challenge yourself to stretch yourself to love out of your comfort zone. Let me know after you read the full dare from the above link what you plan on doing for your husband. I try to include the kids in the dare by doing things for them as well so I will see what I can come up with. I am still thinking about what I can do for mine. I will call and see if he needs anything, but I want to think of something on my own that is thoughtful. Good luck!
Love to hear how it is going if you are doing the dare as well!

As you guys know I have been working through the 40 day Love Dare from the movie Fireproof. Basically if you are not familiar with it it is a 40 day challenge of ways to love your spouse. It is a great way to put their needs first and see God move in your marriage. My past three days have gone well. It is not all easy but worth it and a great exercise in self discipline for me. Today's dare is about THOUGHTFULNESS. Not just doing avoiding the negative things we do but thinking ahead to be a blessing. A great challenge.
Find the whole text and day 4 dare HERE for free on KLOVE I hope you join in on the dare and challenge yourself to stretch yourself to love out of your comfort zone. Let me know after you read the full dare from the above link what you plan on doing for your husband. I try to include the kids in the dare by doing things for them as well so I will see what I can come up with. I am still thinking about what I can do for mine. I will call and see if he needs anything, but I want to think of something on my own that is thoughtful. Good luck!
Love to hear how it is going if you are doing the dare as well!

I loooooved Fireproof! All the more reason that I am feeling such a mix of emotions and broken heartedness as I head to divorce court next week. I'm proud of you, Kristi, and my heart smiles and has been encouraged by everyone of your blogs that I've read. I am thankful for the precious moments we shared. May God bless your marriage beyond your wildest dreams! <3
I am so sorry for the loss of your marriage! Life can be so difficult sometimes! I will pray for God's closeness for you this week! I really appreciate your stopping to comment it was very encouraging. We will keep you in our prayers. Please stop by and let us know how you are and if we can pray for anything specific. BLESSINGS!! Kristy
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