I have been getting excited about homeschool lately and have been busy trying to get things set up for this coming school year. What fun! I have been perusing homeschool blogs, big family organizational blogs, crock pot blogs, and all the blogs with free printables for homeschoolers. I have been to the city to go to teacher supply warehouses, haunting used curriculum swap sites, and laminating as fast as I can print! Today I got my big metal magnet board up! The photo is from the blog I saw it on called Nic and Kate. It is a big oil drip pan from Walmart that cost around $12!! My kids love it!

I am also working on my calendar board or morning board. I will have photos and links for the printables for that soon! I am getting ready to contact paper my maps of the world and the US....What fun! If you are using the My Father's World curriculum like we are then you might want to know that I have found that MFW curriculum swap has some great deals on all used My Father's World curriculum and anything used by the curriculum. I also have been using Homeschool classifieds for a while and like that site as well. Half.com has great prices on new and used books, workbooks, and textbooks and is worth checking out. I like to go to a full price book store and peruse the books then copy down what I liked and look for it here. Happy planning! What are you doing to get ready for the coming school year?

I had never heard of this curriculum and have been praying for a curriculum that would work for teaching all of my children together. Thanks for mentioning it. I am your newest follower. Thanks!
Great to have you here! Thanks for your comments. i am so excited about MFW. I think you will love it! Kristy
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