This challenge unfortunately can be a hard one if you are tired, overworked, stressed, or impatient (AKA a mom :) ). Being rude means saying or doing something that is unnecessary that causes pain, frustration, or anger. The full text of the book and the dare for day 5 are HERE from KLOVE for free.
The challenge today is to not only not be rude, but ask your spouse (or whoever you are doing this with) 3 things you do that make them uncomfortable, or irritated with you. You cannot be defensive or angry when they answer. So I suppose this works on your humility as well! When I read day 5 I thought ok don't be rude. Well, Josh is out of town today so that won't be too hard...then I read the actual dare! OUCH!! It will be awkward to ask when he doesn't know I am doing the dare. Oh well, I committed to the full 40 days so I have to do it. Hope it goes well. And by well I mean that he can stop at 3 things, and I can keep my mouth closed in response. :) I would consider that a success! I need to work on this with my kids as well. It is easier to not be rude to a stranger sometimes when your kids are knowingly pushing your buttons and you are tired or stressed rudeness seems imminent.
Lord, I want to be truly loving. In all the practical aspects so please help me not to be rude! Help me to see where I am rude and work on it.
I also read this GREAT post on 50 ways to inspire your husband. There were a lot of great things like plan a fun date night, tell him specifically how he is a good dad..., but my favorite was to ask him about his dreams and pray with him about how to get there together. I love that idea! I do care about his dreams and we are a team. It is a great idea if I would love it done for me and I would!
Hope you all are brave and take the dare with me! Let me know how it goes and I will try to do the same!
I am working on getting a post together on the recipe for the homemade raw muesli breakfast cereal we eat every morning. Thanks for being patient! The photo part is always what takes me so long!

The challenge today is to not only not be rude, but ask your spouse (or whoever you are doing this with) 3 things you do that make them uncomfortable, or irritated with you. You cannot be defensive or angry when they answer. So I suppose this works on your humility as well! When I read day 5 I thought ok don't be rude. Well, Josh is out of town today so that won't be too hard...then I read the actual dare! OUCH!! It will be awkward to ask when he doesn't know I am doing the dare. Oh well, I committed to the full 40 days so I have to do it. Hope it goes well. And by well I mean that he can stop at 3 things, and I can keep my mouth closed in response. :) I would consider that a success! I need to work on this with my kids as well. It is easier to not be rude to a stranger sometimes when your kids are knowingly pushing your buttons and you are tired or stressed rudeness seems imminent.
Lord, I want to be truly loving. In all the practical aspects so please help me not to be rude! Help me to see where I am rude and work on it.
I also read this GREAT post on 50 ways to inspire your husband. There were a lot of great things like plan a fun date night, tell him specifically how he is a good dad..., but my favorite was to ask him about his dreams and pray with him about how to get there together. I love that idea! I do care about his dreams and we are a team. It is a great idea if I would love it done for me and I would!
Hope you all are brave and take the dare with me! Let me know how it goes and I will try to do the same!
I am working on getting a post together on the recipe for the homemade raw muesli breakfast cereal we eat every morning. Thanks for being patient! The photo part is always what takes me so long!

Thanks Kristy! Yeah, I think I need this to help me stay focused on my own behaviour with the kids. My whole summer is sort of a challenge with the adjustment of going from 2 to 4 kids and seeming to have no personal time whatsoever (not to mention discipline issues). Don't know how you do it, but you are an inspiration.
Hey Terra! I do not have it down by any means, but I think things like the dare help to focus us on practical ways to grow in showing love. You do have your hands full with a mixed family that changes. That is a hard adjustment for anyone! I will pray for you when I am praying for me! Let me know when you want to hang out :)
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