If you read my earlier posts you know that I am really trying to "clean up" my act when it comes to home clutter. I am still in the process of a SERIOUS home weeding and have taken over 7 LARGE black trash bags to the thrift store this week. With home school and 4 kiddos (ages 1-7) plus babysitting I need to have my ducks in a row to stay on top of homeschool, meals and housekeeping.
I want to go into the new year with a good schedule, a cleaned out house, a plan for healthy eating and my finances in order. So to keep me motivated and on track I plan to blog on each of these subjects (scheduling, housekeeping plan, healthy eating planning and financial planning )each week this month. I will slot in the healthy recipes, crafty stuff, and homeschool helps of course too ,but I want to make sure I get a good chunk of freebies, helps, tips and ideas posted in each of these categories so we can get the new year off to a good start together!
As I was thinking about a good plan to get my housekeeping on track I was reading a blog called On The Old Path and ran across this AMAZING FREE (love those words together!!!) Clean Heart, Clean Home Challenge ! It is a printable organizer for a 52 day challenge that helps get our hearts and homes in order. I just printed all 85 pages out and it looks awesome. It includes 8 weekly devotionals as well as calendars, chore charts and meal planning sheets. So if you are wanting to get organized this year but your good intentions seem to stay simply good intentions head over and print off your Clean Heart, Clean Home Challenge Planner and let's get started! I plan on starting next week so that gives you a few days to print it all out, get familiar with it and get your supplies in order. Why not grab a friend to do it with you? The accountability and camaraderie can only be helpful. Let me know if you are on board.

I want to go into the new year with a good schedule, a cleaned out house, a plan for healthy eating and my finances in order. So to keep me motivated and on track I plan to blog on each of these subjects (scheduling, housekeeping plan, healthy eating planning and financial planning )each week this month. I will slot in the healthy recipes, crafty stuff, and homeschool helps of course too ,but I want to make sure I get a good chunk of freebies, helps, tips and ideas posted in each of these categories so we can get the new year off to a good start together!
As I was thinking about a good plan to get my housekeeping on track I was reading a blog called On The Old Path and ran across this AMAZING FREE (love those words together!!!) Clean Heart, Clean Home Challenge ! It is a printable organizer for a 52 day challenge that helps get our hearts and homes in order. I just printed all 85 pages out and it looks awesome. It includes 8 weekly devotionals as well as calendars, chore charts and meal planning sheets. So if you are wanting to get organized this year but your good intentions seem to stay simply good intentions head over and print off your Clean Heart, Clean Home Challenge Planner and let's get started! I plan on starting next week so that gives you a few days to print it all out, get familiar with it and get your supplies in order. Why not grab a friend to do it with you? The accountability and camaraderie can only be helpful. Let me know if you are on board.

I'm printing the organizer NOW! It seems very good to do! I just need a translator :-) Good luck and a Happy New Year!
This is an awesome idea. While I don't think that I have the descipline to follow a long term plan, reading it certainly inspired me to start a serious decluttering. Luckily we already did one this year when we moved, but looking around I think another is in order. Great way to start the new year.
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