Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our new puppy..Dont worry Petey we still want you to come over!!

We got a new little village puppy for the kids the other day. Actually Pierce came home with one and it was too cute to just say no so we went and picked this one out as a family! We don't have a name yet, He will be a good guard dog too! Kids love him! Currently his little fat brother keeps making a home at our house so we need to find him a home, but we can't just not feed him and send him back to the slums..A puppy anyone.. All you have to do is come get it:) You'll get to see us while you are here!

1 comment:

Matt Neeley said...

This brings back so many good memories of when we were kids. I'm lovin it.
Pierce and Dahlia are one of the favorite parts of my life.