There are an estimated 140 MILLION ORPHANS WORLDWIDE right now, and there is so much we can do to bless them even if you are not at a place to adopt. So this November as we celebrate Thanksgiving lets remember all we have to give thanks for and find a way to give back to these little ones.

My Husband and I had the privilege to add to our family through adoption 2 years ago while we lived overseas in Vanuatu working with Youth With a Mission. We now have 4 kiddos with 3 having been born from the body and one having been born from the heart.
You can find Bella's adoption story HERE.
Here are some easy ideas you can use to celebrate
1) Adopt If you have been wanting to adopt GET STARTED! Here is a great link to Focus on the Family's I Care about orphans website that helps give you a good overview of where to start if you are considering adoption.
I know it is a long process and it involved a lot of time, money and effort but it is SO SO worth it. By the way if any of you are wondering if you can love an adopted child as much as one with your own DNA believe me it is the easiest thing once you hold the child in your arms and accept them as God's gift to you!
For those of you who do not have the option of adoption at the moment here are a few other ideas that you can implement to celebrate National Adoption Month.
2) Donate to & Pray for someone trying to adopt. There are so many people trying to adopt that are fundraising so if you can't be one of them consider donating to the cause and help a child find a loving home. Don't know anyone but interested in helping someone? Here are friends of mine trying to adopt from Ethiopia
Lisa and Matt They adopted their daughter Koral in Vanuatu with me while I was adopting Bella and they were both newborns!
3) Sponsor a child overseas through a researched child sponsorship program. Do your homework as even some of the major names have NOT received very high grades (they use a letter system) for the actual amount DIRECTLY benefiting the child sponsored. Please consider sponsoring through a smaller organization where your funds go directly to the children in need, and do not get eaten up in salaries, overhead and advertising. These are a few I recommend
Hohidiai Childrens Home in Indonesia through IFCUS

Josh and I have worked with IFCUS hands on and know and trust the leaders.

4) Read adoption stories on Focus on the Family's website or My Crazy Adoption (Bella's story is featured here along with loads of other AMAZING adoption stories)and let them open your eyes to the amazing things God is up to around the world with adoption.
Great for families to create awareness with their children and fodder for good discussions. Pray for the families you read about and those you know who have adopted.
5) SHOP FOR THE CAUSE! Make your Christmas money work! Use it to buy from sources that support adoption like moms on Etsy who are using their profits to help fund their own or others adoptions. Here is a link to all the Etsy shops selling handmade goods to support orphans or adoptions. My friends blog JUST LOVE 127 has opportunities of how to shop and have the proceeds benefit their adoption from Ethiopia. Or check out Wynne Elders Jewelery fundraiser featuring "Noonday Sun". Noon day sun gets it's name from a verse in Isaiah "When you satisfy the needs of the oppressed your night will become like the noonday sun" Just Google it and you will find tons more opportunities to SHOP FOR THE CAUSE!
6) Find out about the needs of the foster care children in your area. Many foster children will never be reunited with thier families and face years of transitional homes. Could you be one of those homes and love on those children? Could you bless a family in your area that takes in foster children somehow to lighten the load. Could you be an emergency placement home to foster children needing an immediate safe place for a very short time while a foster home is being found? Look into the needs and opportunities in your area. Check out I care about Orphans for waiting children in your state.

You can pray for these children around the world that need homes and shelter and love.

These are some of my favorite blog buddies who have adopted...
Lisa at JUST LOVE127 My close friend who is currently adopting from Ethiopia and who came and adopted her baby Koral in Vanuatu while I was living there and was adopting Bella. Want to donate to an adoptive family..look no further.
Rory of Chocolate Hair Vanilla Care You guessed it a GREAT blog about adoptive hair care and other related adoption issues
Amanda of Bacon Tidbits A dear friend from Alaska Who is a self described "homeschooling mama to 6 fantastic kiddos. Including our baby girl and boy who joined our family one year apart and are 4 months apart!" Great parenting resource!
My Crazy Adoption is a wonderful adoption blog filled with adoption stories, and support. Bella's story is on here as well.
Braner party of 7 A gal in Durango Colorado who has adopted 2 sweet kiddos from Rwanda and has a zest for life!
A father to the fatherless…is God in his holy dwelling…
God sets the lonely in families…
Psalm 68.5-6
Leave a comment and let me know what your family plans on doing to celebrate National Adoption month.
Please celebrate on behalf of the worlds 140 MILLION ORPHANS who need you to do something!
What an amazing job you have done sharing the many different stories, and ways we can be more prayerful about adoption. Thanks for sharing this! I have a sister, together with her husband, who are currently in the process of adopting and it has been a long process for them so far.
Thanks so much for stopping by and checking in! Me and my little "apple" are doing great, cuz I'm just now getting past the morning sickness stage. Can't wait to welcome this one to the family when he/she comes. God is good!
Much love,
awesome post! I can't wait to go through all of these resources! thanks for having a heart for the orphan! your kiddos are beautiful! thanks for saying hi & sharing your fabulous blog!
It’s great having an inside look at your process and catching a glimpse into how a children’s book illustrator works. Thank you for sharing.
What a wonderful story and information! I am glad I found your blog you have a lot of useful information here :)
Thanks Mia,
Hope you have a great day! Thanks for stopping by! I do have some more crafts and recipe coming soon!Kristy
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