Every season and holiday holds exciting new options for fun things to study with your kids in homeschool. With
Easter just around the corner I wanted to share these links to give you some fun ideas for homeschool this week.
Veggie Tales creator's blog "What is in the Bible" series for Easter week "What is Holy Week".
A great explanation of all the church history that goes with this week. A great way to focus on Christ this Easter season and learn Biblical history.
Make an Easter lent garden with your kiddos as a visual parable. You complete different parts on the corresponding days of Holy Week. It has clear detailed directions. This one is from an EXCELLENT blog called A Holy Experience written by a homeschool mama who wrote the book called One Thousand Gifts an amazing book on gratitude.
You can find a ton of Easter and Spring printables for tots here at 1plus1plus1equals1. It is GREAT homeschool blog with tons of printables, great ideas, and inspiration.
Here are some great learning activities and ideas from the blog We are That Family to make sure Easter is celebrated for what it is...a celebration of Christ's Resurrection. Teaching our kids the reason we celebrate is a great way to spend your homeschool day.
Great printable worksheets for Easter from Mama's Learning Corner that work for pre K to 2nd grade.
This is an Easter learning roundup that includes crafts, worksheets, games, etc... from My Delicious Ambiguity. She has a lot of fun things on her blog so you will have to check it out.

Easter just around the corner I wanted to share these links to give you some fun ideas for homeschool this week.

A great explanation of all the church history that goes with this week. A great way to focus on Christ this Easter season and learn Biblical history.

Two Teaching Mommies has a great lesson plan with a ton of free printables to go with it. There is a printable memory verse with picture, worksheets, number maze, clip cards for math, etc... Hope you have some fun with it!
Two Teaching Mommies has created a 12 days of Easter lesson plan as well that coincides with resurrection eggs for a 12 day lesson on Easter for your kiddos. What a fun way to go through the meaning of Easter with your little ones and have them really get it. They recommend combining Days 5-9 have been combined for those that are younger and will find the topic of Christs suffering too much to spread out over those days. So you still have time to get this lesson done before Easter!
I hope this has helped you get a few new ideas for the week before Easter, so you and your kids can enjoy the deeper meaning of Easter and learn at the same time.

It's really important to teach arts and other activities to our kids. It keeps their mind sharper. Have your kids experience the Montessori Environment.
I love these ideas! So many great ways to make the Gospel a little more concrete:-)
Thanks for commenting. No we haven't tried the montesorri environment but it sounds interetsting. I will check it out. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!
Hmm.. That's a great idea for easter. Thanks for sharing it, its indeed a big help. Jane
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