FINALLY!! 11 days late...Trek finally arrived!
I have been offline for a while after just having our 5th baby, but I am back now.
Trek Anderson Neeley was born at home January 6th weighing 9 lbs, and measuring 21 3/4 ". My midwife Sharon of Beautifully Born was excellent! So if you are looking for a midwife in Southern Colorado she is a great option.
We had a wonderful home birth, and he came in a record 2 hours!! The midwife sped to arrive 5 minutes before he came out! By the time I called her labor was full on and I thought I had hours left. She is 2 hours away! It was the easiest quickest birth I have had even though he was the largest babies of all mine.
His brothers and sisters (Pierce, Dahlia, Bella and Cruz) all love him to bits. It is so fun having a new baby in the house. Tons of work to be sure, but TONS of fun. We love this little guy! He enjoys the full attention of everyone in the house! It is amazing what God can create in 9 months. WOW!