Friday, January 30, 2009

MOVING to Vanuatu today!! Looking forward to Aukland too!

Here we go! We fly out at 4pm today from Denver. We arrive in San Fran and go dirrect from there to New Zealand. That will take over 20 hours in flight time,so Lord help us with the kids!! Please be praying! We are excited to see what God has for us since we don't know what we will be doing. What a big move for us. We have a big stroller a tote of tools and 6 pieces of luggage including a guitar and that is it. It is alot to travel with but not a ton to live with. We plan on enjoying Aukland and we will let you know how that goes. I just got this new computer (thank you office depot for a sweet deal!), so we can update photos soon as we arrive and I have a chance to load them all on. I plan on having new ones of the beach in New Zealand as well! Keep us in your prayers and we will update soon! Pray we don't have to pay too much overage for our luggage! Blessings, Kristy

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