Sunday, September 28, 2008

WE all got to go into Denali National Park Mid Sept

Great Camping trip into Denali National Park with My parents and Tyson and Ailsa and the whole fam. We went over a few days and had a great time saw some ptarmagin (birds) and Moose and had a wonderful time around the camp fire! Josh even built a mini ropes coures for the kids to climb up and down and over. they also danced alot, chased bubbles, picked berries and my dad much to the delight of Pierce taught the kids the art of finding and using a pea shooter with berries. Everyone had a GREAT TIME. Good food, good fun and good friends. I posted a set of the photos. I need to take more photos. I forgot to take any on my birthday! OOPS. My kids are too cute to not take photos so I will have to get on that. HM.. between the packing!! :)


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. BIG NEWS!! We are under contract for a sale on our house for Oct 27th!! What a great bday present Lord! We had a great day at an indoor water park today for my bday. I am 31 now!! We brought my dad and sister and of course the kids. Alot of fun. Especially since it was only about 45 degrees out today. It was a beautiful clear fall day. Gorgeous views today. Sat morning it was only 28 degrees and everyone had frost on their cars. Not mine since I now have a great warm garage that I love! Thank you Josh!

So the packing begins!! WE have alot to do in a month, but we are excited to do it. Thank you LORD!! We need to get my parents house sold as well so keep praying for that when you think of it. We are wanting to share a shipping container and wanting to drive down together so we need theirs to get under way soon. God is big so we are trusting Him.